Across the Risen Sea by Bren MacDibble

Neoma and Jag and their small community are ‘living gentle lives’ on high ground surrounded by the risen sea. When strangers from the Valley of the Sun arrive unannounced, the two friends find themselves drawn into a web of secrecy and lies that endangers their whole way of life. Soon daring, loyal Neoma must set off on a solo mission across the risen sea, determined to rescue her best friend and find the truth that will save her village.

Just like MacDibble’s previous two novels ( How to Bee and The Dog Runner) this is a combination of distopian and science fiction writing with an admirable lead character who grows, learns and develops as the story progresses. Neoma is a kick-ass troublemaker with a fearless reckless personality that I couldn’t help admiring despite her rash behaviour. She tackles a crocodile, a shark and a pirate in her attempts to rescue her best friend, and in doing so makes a new friend and learns more about the world around her.

There are lessons, as in all MacDibble’s books, to be learned in the plot and the vision of a futuristic life where the human race has had to adapt to the impact of climate change. Both sides of the argument are put forward though it is fairly obvious which side the author is on. Both the concept and the characters are perfect launch points for book chat and debate. There are plenty of opportunities to speculate ‘what if?’ and suggest alternative outcomes for the characters in the story. The subject matter is also a good launching point to discuss the broader curriculum of the environment, climate change and the impact the human race has on the earth and how this can be mitigated.

Aside from the wider issues of the environment, this is a hugely enjoyable, page-turning thriller which readers of genre fiction and ordinary adventure stories will revel in. Ideal for 10+

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