Some Kids I Taught and What They Taught Me by Kate Clanchy ISBN: 9781509840311 £6.99

This is an astounding collection of connections between a teacher and her students through the medium of poetry. I don’t normally review adult books on this blog but I feel compelled to tell someone, even if it is just WordPress, about this collection. Everyone who wishes to understand the importance and impact of literature and in particular poetry to young people, in helping their mental health as much as in developing language skills, should read this book.

Of course you could just sit down and immerse yourself in Kate’s accounts of her experiences working in secondary schools across the country through several Government changes and the ongoing influx of children who suffer the impact of war, racism, prejudice and poverty. Either way you will be astounded, heartbroken, relieved and grateful that there are teachers out there like Kate, and her colleagues, reaching out to those students in some small way that enables them to take back some control over their shattered lives.

I can not recommend this book highly enough.

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